Category: Dermal Fillers Articles
What is a Dermal Filler?
Injectable dermal fillers are used to treat many areas of face, to create a more youthful look. The main benefits offered with dermal filler treatment include: Smooth out lines and wrinkles Restore/add volume Shape and contour facial features Hydrate and rejuvenate the skin Some of the most popular, leading dermal fillers feature high concentrations of …
Dermal Fillers To Improve Eyelids
Remove Shadows Under the Eyes The nasojugal groove – also known as the tear trough – is a small area of skin running from the inner eye to the outermost corner. Patients with puffy or baggy eyes often experience an obvious division of skin between the cheek and the lower eyelid. Tear trough deformities and general under-eye …
Am I A Good Candidate For Juvederm?
If you are dissatisfied with the way your face is changing as you age, you may want to consider Juvederm dermal fillers. This fantastic line of injectable dermal fillers can be used to correct a wide variety of the changes that commonly accompany aging, including loss of facial volume, fine lines, wrinkles and more. The …
How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?
Full, plump and sexy lips are definitely in style right now, championed by movie stars and influencers on found throughout TikTok and Instagram. Did you know that a very large portion of celebs, models and influencers achieve this classic lip look through temporary fillers? If you’ve been curious about boosting your own smile, you may …
Our Faces Age In Three Main Ways
Understanding how the face ages Where do you begin if you want to address an aging face? Often the best way to create a more youthful appearance is to first, have a good understanding how the face ages. Simply put, we age in three main ways. Once you understand this, you can better understand the …
10 Things to Know About Dermal Fillers
Our bodies naturally change as we age, and those differences might include new wrinkles on our faces, around our mouth, and cheekbones that aren’t as high as they once were. Today’s dermal fillers can help minimize these signs of aging if you’re unhappy with them. These signs of aging are completely normal and occur when we …
What Are the Different Types of Restylane?
The world of aesthetic medicine continues to offer great brands that roll-back the signs of aging. The Restylane family is yet another great option that has several different formulas to choose from. Although all these fillers are designed to increase the visible volume of the skin to smooth away fine lines and hollowness, each of …
Who Is a Good Candidate for Juvederm Volbella?
Manufactured by Allergan, Juvederm has been one of the most popular anti-aging treatments in the world for many years. It is used to address such aesthetic concerns as sagging skin, wrinkles, hollow cheeks, and even asymmetrical lips. One reason for the popularity of this family of fillers is their efficacy. Each Juvederm formula, including Juvederm …
Why Dermal Fillers Are Popular with Millennials
The times have changed, and the era of secret plastic surgeries is over. Years ago, patients would expect to hide away from the world for weeks at a time, after receiving aesthetic surgery. These days, millennials have entirely discarded their parents’ perceptions of cosmetic procedures. Dermal fillers play a major role in this shift. So, …
What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal filler products, featuring well-known brands such as Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane and others like Sculptra, are widely used in aesthetic medicine to address wrinkles and to compensate for the loss of volume over time. In this article, we run down these popular formulas, and how they can help roll back the clock. First let’s recap …