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Hand Rejuvenation with Radiesse
radiesse for hands

Aged-looking hands can be a dead give-away of an individual’s advanced age. If you are considering any rejuvenation treatment for your face, neck, and other areas, don’t forget about your hands. Aged hands are generally characterized by thinning of skin on the top of the hands. This leads to greater visibility of harsh and angular veins, tendons, and joints.

Dermal filler injections are a simple procedure for restoring a youthful and smooth appearance in your hands. Radiesse can be used for plumping the skin in the back of the hands. Radiesse is an excellent choice as a dermal filler injectable for the hands, as it can add adequate volume to the hands, making the bones, tendons, and veins less prominent.

In most cases, a single syringe is enough for each hand. Radiesse injection results are natural and may last for up to 12 months.

How Does Radiesse Filler For Hands Work?

Did you know? Radiesse is the only FDA approved dermal filler for correcting volume loss in the hands. It diminishes various unattractive signs of aging in the hands.

This opaque dermal filler presents as a water-based gel and is made of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) molecules. It works to volumize the skin in the hands to reduce wrinkles and lines. It then stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, leading to thick, supple, and elastic skin in the back of hands. Collagen continues to develop and improve over the course of several months following treatment.

Ideal Radiesse Candidates

Radiesse provides excellent results for both women and men experiencing volume loss in the back of their hands. However, it’s important that prospective patients have good general health to be eligible for treatment. Patients should have a clear understanding of the procedure and any potential side effects which may occur. Patients with bleeding disorder, or an active infection may be asked to postpone the treatment.

The Radiesse Procedure

Each treatment session of Radiesse takes less than 30 minutes. The procedure is performed in a private treatment room and may cause mild to moderate discomfort. Patients can request local anesthetic before the injections for better ease and comfort. The treatment provider use a tiny needle to provide injections in several targeted areas in the back of the hands.

Expected Results Following Radiesse Treatment

Many patients will experience minor bruising, redness and swelling following Radiesse treatment for hands. These issues generally resolve on their own within 1 to 2 weeks, at the most. There is no downtime involved in Radiesse dermal filler procedures. You should be able to resume normal activities the very same day. Radiesse filler injection benefits are almost immediate and can last for up to a year.


Radiesse is an injectable, corrective skin treatment capable of addressing signs of aging on both the face and the hands. It both fills instantly, and stimulates your body’s collagen growth, rejuvenating the hands over time. Licensed medical practitioners can buy Radiesse online at wholesale cost at Health Supplies Plus.

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