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Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Juvederm
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If you have been considering getting dermal fillers, you have likely heard of Juvederm. A popular choice and commonly doctor-recommended facial filler, it makes a great option for anyone looking to improve their appearance by rejuvenating smile lines, mouth lines, smoker’s lines or even enhancing the cheeks, chin, lips or jawline. Here’s a list of some of the most commonly asked questions about Juvederm dermal fillers to help you learn more about this popular aesthetic option.

How Long Does Juvederm Last?

One of the most common questions about Juvederm is, how long does it last? It should be noted that not all dermal fillers are made equally and some will last longer than others. Juvederm is considered to be a longer-lasting filler, and all formulations of Juvederm will typically last 12 months ranging upwards to 24 months. Now when it comes to lip filler longevity, such as Juvederm Volbella, you can expect your results to last about 12 months.  Choosing a quality, highly-durable filler such as Juvederm is a great way to ensure you get results that last for as long as possible. For more information on how long dermal fillers typically last, check out our previous article How Long Do Most Dermal Fillers Last?

Is Juvederm Safe?

Another top question relates to the overall safety of Juvederm treatments. Many patients wonder, is lip filler safe or are there any risks associated with Juvederm treatments? It is important to know that Juvederm is fully approved by the FDA and is safe. Though some patients may experience minor side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising or tenderness at the site of injection, these side effects are temporary and mild in nature. Most patients report that these symptoms last less than seven days (usually a lot less).

Though Juvederm is safe, it is always important to discuss your medical history with your doctor before treatments. Your medical professional will ensure you understand the risks associated with your treatment and know what to expect during and after treatment. If you are looking to reduce bruising and swelling after your  Juvederm treatments you may find our 5 Tips to Prevent Bruising After Dermal Filler Treatments to be helpful.

Is It Safe to Have a Juvederm Injection While Breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding, it is a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before opting for Juvederm treatments.  Though dermal fillers may be safe while breastfeeding, it may not be recommended by your primary healthcare provider. In some cases, it may be advised to pause getting Juvederm treatments until after you have stopped breastfeeding as there has not been an extensive amount of research done into the safety of breastfeeding while obtaining Juvederm injections.

Can You Drink Alcohol After Juvederm?

When you have your consultation with your medical practitioner, they will ensure that you understand what you can and cannot do after your treatment. Juvederm fillers are non-invasive and you won’t have to take time off work after your procedure, but you might wish to hold off on drinking alcohol for a bit of time after your procedure. Though it is not dangerous to drink alcohol after Juvederm treatments, it can lead to an increase in bruising. For the best results with minimal side effects, your provider will recommend that you endeavor to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours following your treatment. A small amount of bruising is a normal side effect of lip and dermal fillers, but by avoiding alcohol after your treatment, you will help to reduce the chances of having highly visible bruising.

Can I Workout After Juvederm Treatments?

If you have just received your Juvederm dermal fillers, you might not want to hit the gym right away. Though you shouldn’t expect any appreciable downtime after a filler treatment, you may wish to avoid heavy exercise for 24-48 hours after your treatment. This is to help ensure that you do not experience an increase in bruising or swelling at the injection site, based on the intense, elevated blood flow associated with exercising. But by all means, you can still expect to work, take a walk, or participate in other typical day-to-day activities immediately after your treatments.

How Long After Juvederm Can I Get A Facial?

Though getting a facial may be a part of your regular beauty routine, it’s suggested that you hold off on getting a facial for a little while after obtaining dermal fillers. Your care provider will be able to provide you with a specific timeline based on your skin and the exact treatment(s) you received, but generally speaking, you should wait two weeks before receiving a facial after filler. This will help protect your results, as the injected filler should be finished setting by this time.


Juvederm treatments are a great way to help you improve your appearance and feel great out how you look. Whether you are looking to enhance your natural beauty with lip fillers or simply want to rejuvenate your overall look, dermal fillers provide you with fast results that last for a good amount of time. Licensed medical practitioners are able to buy Juvederm online at Health Supplies Plus, a leading online portal proudly offering genuine name-brand dermal fillers and other high-quality aesthetic products.

Written by

Doris Dickson is an expert voice on cosmetic medical treatments and products, writing for Health Supplies Plus, a premier online resource for the medical community. Her concise, no-nonsense takes spotlight the tools and techniques shaping modern aesthetics.

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