We know it’s important that your clients have the best possible experience during and after their dermal filler treatment. Post-procedure care is an important step and if followed correctly, can produce the best cosmetic results, which means you can help ensure high patient satisfaction. With this in mind, here’s a list of the top tips for post-treatment care.
Manage Client expectations on post treatment results
It is important to inform your clients of what to expect after their treatment in your clinic. Initial swelling can surprise people and the extent to which this happens is dependent entirely on the person and their particular treatment. However, swelling after treatment is completely normal, and it is important to explain that the initial look after treatment is not a true reflection of the final result. Most swelling will subside on its own after a couple of days, but it is suggested to wait 2 weeks after before judging the true results. Also, inform your patients that it is normal to feel the filler under the skin for 4-6 weeks post treatment, which is a common concern for many people.
No matter how skilled at your procedures you may be, there is always a chance of bruising. However, this bruising is temporary and is typically resolved entirely after around 1-2 weeks.
Things to avoid
Here are some activities that your client should avoid post treatment to help with the healing process. Let’s review now.
Alcohol, Exercise and Extreme Heat
Clients should avoid strenuous exercise, alcohol and extreme heat (for example, sunbeds & saunas) for 24-48 hours after procedure, as this can lead to further bruising in the treated areas.
Aspirin and Ibuprofen
Some pain killers can be safely used to alleviate any pain after treatment. However, it is important to advise clients that that aspirin and ibuprofen should be avoided the day after treatment.
Make up
While we know it may be tempting for clients to apply make up after plumping their lips or contouring their jawline, make-up must be avoided for at least 12 hours post treatment.
Touching the treated areas
Unless advised via specific instructions for the particular product being used, clients must avoid the urge to massage or overly touch their treatment areas straight after treatment and allow the formula to settle within their skin.
Healing Process
While simple recovery time is the best healer for dermal procedures, drinking plenty of water and focusing on eating healthy wholesome foods full of vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables can also assist with the healing process.
Dermal Fillers Can Be Dissolved
If your client has had a change of heart after treatment and wants to revert to their natural features, forumulas containing Hyaluronidase, such as Liporase, can be used to dissolve HA fillers. The naturally occurring enzyme is injected at a high concentration and can instantly dissolve the unwanted filler. This information can alleviate unnecessary fears and concerns of patients, who are having first-time treatments.
How long will Dermal Fillers last?
Dermal fillers provide long-lasting enhancement, but they cannot create permanent results. It’s perhaps the most common question clients ask — how long will my dermal fillers last? Of course, the answer is always dependent on the areas of treatment and the product used. It’s suggested that if it is the clients first treatment, they may wish to have a follow up treatment 6-9 months to maximize their results. But of course, this will vary depending on particular clients and their treatment and desired outcomes.