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Choosing Between Dermal Fillers
Shop dermal fillers wholesale online

No matter how much we may not want it to, aging can cause changes to our facial skin, affecting our self-esteem and confidence. However, dermal fillers can assist restore our skin’s youthful appearance and slow the signs of aging. With dermal fillers, the aim is to reduce the look of wrinkles and restore lost volume. A successful dermal filler treatment will provide a rejuvenated look without creating an overdone appearance. In this article we take a look at different dermal fillers, their ingredients, and how they can help rejuvenate your appearance.

Why Choose Dermal Fillers

As we grow older and our skin ages, we tend to lose fat from our faces which results in losing volume in the cheeks, lips and other aera. Fine lines and wrinkles begin to form as our skin produces less collagen. Dermal fillers are a non-invasive way to enhance skin’s appearance and reduce the signs of aging – their simplicity and predictability (and relative affordability) are just some of the reasons for their growing popularity. Here’s a run down of how they can help.

Dermal fillers can:

  • Decrease shadows on lower lids
  • Restore volume and fullness to the cheeks and lips
  • Soften creases
  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Help minimize the appearance of scars

And while patients use different varieties of dermal fillers for the reasons listed above, there are in fact are a variety of dermal filler formulations, which are specialized for certain applications. The key difference between different fillers is their ingredients — let’s take a look.

Common Dermal Filler Ingredients

Hyaluronic Acids

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance that is naturally found in the human body. It helps by maintaining the skin’s elasticity and moisture as it volumizes. HA dermal fillers may also our boost skin’s collagen production.  HA fillers are often the most popular choice as they can treat some of the most common signs of aging.

Three very common and popular HA dermal fillers are:

These versatile fillers can be used to effectively treat the following ways:

  • Smooth under eye area
  • Soften marionette lines
  • Lift and enhance cheeks
  • Plump up lips and smooth vertical lip lines
  • Enhance the chin
  • Soften nasolabial folds

Calcium Hydrohylapatite

Another excellent dermal filler ingredient, calcium hydrohylapatite (CaHA) is a substance found in the body’s bones. These types of dermal fillers contains small calcium-rich microspheres that are very effective for contouring skin. CaHA fillers are versatile and can plump the skin and stimulate natural, long-term collagen production. Results can last up to 2 years.

Radiesse is a leading CaHA dermal filler that, which is often used to:

  • Smooth acne scars
  • Augment nose profile
  • Contour jawlines
  • Enhance the chin
  • Soften nasolabial folds
  • Rejuvenate the top of hands

Polylactic Acid

Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a synthetic filler that also functions as a collagen stimulator. It revitalizes the body’s natural collagen production and effectively treats deep lines and creases, diminishing the appearance of aged related wrinkles. Over time, it gradually restores skin’s volume and fullness to provide a rejuvenated appearance. However, note that it may take multiple treatments to achieve noticeable results.

Sculptra is a well-known and effective PLLA filler, which is frequently used to:

  • Soften nasolabial folds
  • Enhance chin contours
  • Smooth marionette lines
  • Smooth forehead wrinkles
  • Enhance lips


Together with a trained and experienced medical professional, the right choice of dermal filler can help patients achieve their aesthetic goals safely and effectively. Whether it is smoothening out wrinkles that have developed with age, or adding jawline contour that you’ve always wanted, there is probably a dermal filler option that is ideal for you. Health Supplies Plus is a reliable online portal for licensed medical practitioners to buy dermal fillers online.

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