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What is the Price of Juvederm Ultra 4?
juvederm ultra 4 price

About Juvederm

Juvederm is a family of injectable, FDA-approved dermal fillers. These fillers are in the form of a gel that is injected into the target area to help treat facial lines, folds, and wrinkles. They are made up of hyaluronic acid, which is safe for all skin tones and skin types. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring compound that is present in the human body. But as we age, the concentration of this compound diminishes, which results in the formation of lines and wrinkles. It is a safe anti-aging treatment for every age group and skin type.

Several Juvederm products serve different functions. Juvederm Voluma XC is injected into the cheeks to add volume to the face. Juvederm Ultra Plus XC and Juvederm Vollure XC are injected around the nose and mouth. Similarly, Juvederm Volbella is injected into the lips to give them a fuller and plump look.

Talking about the cost of Juvederm, the exact price varies depending on the formula that you choose. Also, several other factors affect the pricing like the provider, your location, and whether you are taking an off from your work or not. The cost can also be divided based on the number of sessions and the area being treated.

Juvederm Ultra 4

Like every other Juvederm product, Juvederm Ultra 4 is also an advanced hyaluronic acid dermal filler produced by Allergan. This filler contains cross-linked hyaluronic acid with 0.3% lidocaine concentration which helps eases the pain and discomfort during and after treatment. It comes in the form of a pyrogenic-free, sterile solution and is used as an injectable.

Juvederm Ultra 4 is specifically designed to correct the lines and deep wrinkles in your face. The thick consistency of the gel helps fill the gaps under your skin and provides support and structure, resulting in a revitalized and youthful appearance. It is a safe way to correct depressions on the face and add volume to your lips. It is best way to treat the most severe folds of the skin and facial wrinkles. The results are evident almost immediately and last for quite some time, even upwards of a year.

Juvederm Ultra 4 Pricing

The prices for Juvederm Ultra 4 may vary based on location, and the number of syringes required. The number of syringes differs based on the area you want to treat. Some of the practitioners recommend using two syringes in a single treatment.

Is it Safe to Use Juvederm Ultra 4?

Juvederm is an effective and safe treatment recommended by many professionals. Since hyaluronic acid occurs naturally and is derived from non-animal sources, so you do not have to worry about pre-treatment testing. Use this filler only if you have several lines and wrinkles on your face.

However, it is necessary to take necessary measures such as avoid administering Juvederm Ultra 4 if you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients. Similarly, do not use it if you have an autoimmune disorder, a history of extreme scarring, or have recently undergone a chemical peel or laser treatment. It is recommended you not use the product if you are pregnant or breast-feeding your child.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Extreme risks and side effects are rare with Juvederm Ultra 4. Although, it can produce minor side effects that resolve on their own within a week which includes:

  • Minor Pain
  • Itching
  • Nodules
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Tenderness

It is best not to touch the injection site and protect it from direct exposure to the sunlight. Also, it is recommended not to use makeup and engage in strenuous activities for at least 24 hours after treatment. The rare side effects include:

  • Vision Abnormalities
  • Permanent Scarring

Written by

Doris Dickson is an expert voice on cosmetic medical treatments and products, writing for Health Supplies Plus, a premier online resource for the medical community. Her concise, no-nonsense takes spotlight the tools and techniques shaping modern aesthetics.

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