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Treat Nasolabial Folds with Juvederm
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What are nasolabial folds?

Nasolabial folds, also referred to as “smile lines,” “parentheses lines,” and even “laugh lines,” are the deep wrinkles that extend from both sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth.

When a person smiles, these nasolabial folds become more pronounced and visible. The depth and severity of these lines varies among individuals; however, as people age, the folds typically become thicker and more pronounced.

In comparison, nasolabial folds are usually not present in babies and children. This is due to the quantity and the quality of hyaluronic acid, the substance that provides skin its firmness and elasticity, within the skin, which decreases during aging. As our skin loses its firmness and elasticity with age, nasolabial folds become more prominent.

While prominent nasolabial folds tend to occur in older individuals, often people in their 20s may also notice them.

Why choose Juvederm?

Juvederm is a popular brand of injectable dermal filler made from non-animal hyaluronic acid. It was originally approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006, but has been on the market in Europe and Canada since 2003. This popular collection of dermal fillers includes Juvederm Hydrate, Volbella, Voluma, Ultra XC, Ultra 4, and more.

While some fillers have a granular consistency, Juvederm takes the form of a smooth gel. Some Juvederm products also contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic that numbs the area being treated. Juvederm is used to plump up the skin, smooth out lines and wrinkles and correct nasolabial folds. It is also used to augment the lips, correct marionette folds, and even correct acne scars.

How does Juvederm help get rid of nasolabial folds?

Juvederm is injected subcutaneously, where it attracts and holds moisture under the skin. The region below the nasolabial folds swells up after treatment, adding volume to and smoothing away the wrinkles. Juvederm’s smooth consistency will leave your patient with positive results that appear and feel quite natural.

In a multicenter, double-blind, controlled study with 87 subjects, 98% of patients treated with Juvederm Ultra Plus maintained significant correction to their nasolabial folds, after 24 weeks. Due to their unique consistency, Juvederm fillers allow for more precise injection during treatment, and more natural results. Juvederm Ultra 2 and Ultra 4 are also ideal for the treatment of nasolabial folds in most patients.

How much Juvederm is needed to treat nasolabial folds?

Depending on the severity of the nasolabial folds, patients may need up to 1.6ml, which was the average volume required for correction in a recent study.

How long does Juvederm last?

Juvederm is biodegradable and is broken down by the body around 12 months after treatment. In the same study mentioned above, 81% of patients maintained their results for up to a year or more. After this dermal filler starts to be metabolized, your patient can opt for maintenance treatments. After the initial treatment, patients typically require a smaller amount of dermal filler for optimal correction.

Internationally recognized, Juvederm is one of the most popular cosmetic filler brands on the market, for good reason. Its high safety profile and long-lasting results make it an optimal treatment for minor to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

Written by

Doris Dickson is an expert voice on cosmetic medical treatments and products, writing for Health Supplies Plus, a premier online resource for the medical community. Her concise, no-nonsense takes spotlight the tools and techniques shaping modern aesthetics.

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