How many types are there?
In addition to traditional facelift surgery, there are several types of facial rejuvenation that use new techniques and technologies to provide the same anti-aging effects as plastic surgery. In this article, we’re going to be discussing the 9 most popular alternatives to facelift surgery.
Identify best method for you
Each type of facial rejuvenation technique has its own benefits, and a dermatologist or plastic surgeon will be able to help you determine the best method for your skin.
Liquid Facelift
Making use of dermal filler injectables, liquid facelifts typically use ingredients like hydroxyapatite, hyaluronic acid, or poly-L-lactic acid. This technique is able to smooth lines and folds, augment lips, and fill and contour hollow areas in the face. It is able to do this without any surgery, and is a great treatment if you’re looking to delay getting facelift surgery. Popular brands of dermal fillers include Juvederm, Restylane, and Sculptra. However, most dermal fillers are biodegradable, meaning that results will not be permanent, as the ingredients are broken down over time within the skin.
Jawline Rejuvenation
Targeting the area between the jaw and upper neck for a more rejuvenated look, this process works by removing excess fat from the neck through liposuction and then using that fat to sculpt the jawline. Fat removal injectables are also able to target stubborn fat pockets in this area. You may also consider a dermal filler to help sculpt or define the jawline, depending on your needs.
Thread Facelift
Similar to the traditional facelift surgery, a thread lift uses small incisions compared to the traditional technique, making it less invasive. Incisions are made in specific areas in order to be able to draw a thread through the skin. Once inserted, the thread is pulled tight, and small cones on the thread attach to the tissues to lift and smooth the skin. This is also referred to as a “puppet facelift.”
Often used to treat the lower third of the face specifically, including the neck and jowls, this facial rejuvenation technique involved making an s-shaped incision to separate the skin in this area from the underlying tissue. The skin is then lifted by the surgeon, effectively tightening the muscles and tissues of the lower third of the face. The incision is then closed using sutures. While this might sound like an intense procedure, like the mini lift, it is still less invasive and requires less downtime than a traditional facelift.
as the name suggests, this technique targets the mid-face, or cheek, area. This procedure involves making small incisions in the hairline of the patient, above the ears, and also in the mouth. The surgeon is then able to reposition fat pads from within the checks to rest over the cheekbones. At the same time, the skin in the area is also tightened, providing a firmer and volumized appearance in the mid-face area.
Cutaneous Lift (Skin Only)
This procedure also focuses on issues in the neck and lower face area. Incisions are made within the hair line around the ears so that doctors are able to dissect the skin away from the underlying muscles. After trimming excess skin, the surgeon then stretches the remaining skin before closing the incision point with sutures. As this technique relies solely on the skin as opposed to other facelifts that rely on tightening the muscles, it is considered less durable than other techniques. Without making use of the muscles, the skin will simply stretch again over time, leading to the same age-related issues the patient may have experienced prior to the lift.
Temporal Facelift or Browlift
As the name browlift suggests, this technique improves the look of the eyebrow area. This is not a full browlift procedure, and many patients who have drooping or lowered brows find that this is a great way to lift the brow area without having to go through with the full browlift procedure. To perform a temporal facelift, a doctor makes a small incision, either at the hairline or within the hair depending on the patient, and then lifts the skin on the sides of the brows before closing the incision. Some patients opt to do this procedure using threads, such as Silhouette Soft, as a less invasive procedure.
MACS Lift / QuickLift
These techniques are both slight variations of the S-Lift technique previously mentioned. Though they are slightly more invasive than the S-Lift, they produce better results, and are still less invasive than the traditional facelift. As it is a slightly more involved process, more recovery time is required than after the S-Lift as well. While S-Lifts may be better for the early signs of aging, these lifts are good for patients who display mild to moderate signs of facial aging.
Traditional Facelift
The traditional facelift remains the technique that is able to provide optimal correction results for more severe sagging skin. It is the right choice for patients who are seeking to correct significant signs of facial aging and involves incisions around the area and into the hairline, as well as an incision below the chin. After dissecting the skin from the muscles, the muscles of the face and neck are tightened along with the skin. By suturing together muscles in the front of the neck, a smoother contour and more defined neckline is achieved. Excess fat is removed from the neck and jowl area before the skin is put back into place. Excess skin is removed from in front and behind the ears and then the skin is sutured together. This technique provides the most long-lasting results, though patients will need to have the sutures removed after about a week and will not be able to return to daily activities for 10 days.
There are many different techniques used to achieve lasting facial rejuvenating effects, with each technique being suitable for patients with varying skin conditions. Dermal fillers and thread lifts are less invasive, and often more affordable, for patients looking to reverse superficial to moderate signs of aging.