Getting older brings many benefits – like building a life of memories with family and friends, advancing your career, and maybe even travelling to exciting destinations. But there’s also a flip side, as along with those extra years, our body tends to run down. And with age, we will endure more stress, more health concerns, and of course, more wrinkles. However, it’s not only the wrinkles that show our age, it’s also those hollow and sagging cheeks, thinned-out lips, and dark circles under our eyes that reveal our many years.
What if we told you the fountain of youth does exist? Well, it sort of exists. You can gain back those full cheeks you took for granted in your youth. You can also achieve full and perfectly defined lips once again. And even more, you can restore those bright and refreshed eyes. It’s all possible with the help of today’s impressive line up of dermal fillers. Let’s take a look at how dermal fillers can help in three key areas – laugh lines, lips, and eye bags.
Laugh Lines Can Be Diminished
Over time, you may have noticed that your temples and cheeks have started looking a bit sunken or even worse, sagging. It’s just a simple truth of aging. Not to fear though, cheek and temple enhancing dermal fillers are available. With just a short in-office appointment, patients can take steps to turn back the clock and rejuvenate their look.
There are a couple of well-respected options available for cheek and temple filler injections. If you’re looking for an option that will really stand the test of time, consider Juvederm Voluma, which will last about two years. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring biochemical already found in the body, Voluma creates a natural looking fullness that will make you look five to ten years younger. In addition to adding much-needed volume back into your cheeks and temples, it will also gently lift your cheeks, thereby decreasing the appearance of ‘laugh lines’ around your mouth.
Another long-lasting option for the cheeks is Restylane Lyft, also made with hyaluronic acid. Restylane Lyft typically lasts one year, though some patients have enjoyed noticeable results beyond that. Similar to Juvederm Voluma, Restylane Lyft is most often used in the cheeks for volume loss. However, it can also be used to improve the looks of the nasolabial folds (laugh lines) as well as the marionette lines.
Plump up that Pout
Remember those kissable, luscious lips you had in your twenties? For most of us, our plump pucker fades as we exit our thirties and enter our forties. On top of that, there are also many of us who simply weren’t blessed with a plump pout to begin with. Either way, there are several great filler options available that can plump up your pout, in a subtle and natural-looking manner. A common choice for lips is Juvederm Ultra XC, which typically lasts anywhere from six to eight months. In addition to making your lips fuller, Juvederm Ultra XC can also help to define your lip line and therefore, enhance the overall shape of your lips.
Another very effective lip filler favorite is Restylane Kysse. Not only will this dermal filler make your lips more full and luscious, it’ll also smooth out all of those small lines all around your lips. So whether you’ve sipped on too many straws in your lifetime, or smoked cigarettes in your youth, you can rest assured those fine lines around your lips will be diminished and a beautiful, crisp lip line will take their place.
Amplify Your Eyes
Sometimes, no matter how much sleep we get or how much coffee we drink, we still look tired. And no amount of topical under-eye concealer can fix the dark circles we’re stuck with. The thinning, delicate skin under the eyes is yet another frustrating sign of aging and for some people, it can start happening even before turning 30. The skin under our eyes is one of the first places that starts to show our age prematurely.
There’s now many dermal fillers can also be used to treat under-eye hollowness. When injected at the tear trough, dermal fillers add instant volume back to the under-eye area, which in turn “hides” or makes the darkness from the underlying veins much less noticeable. This can effectively refresh your entire appearance, making you look younger, brighter, and well-rested.
Age truly is only a number, when you can look and feel fantastic, with a little help from dermal fillers. And capturing that youthful feeling doesn’t have to involve any invasive surgeries either. In today’s day and age, simple out-patient procedures, requiring little-to-no downtime, are trending hotter than ever. Safe, natural looking results, and affordable – you’ll be quite amazed at how easily dermal fillers will take the years off of your face. Licensed medical practitioners can buy dermal fillers online, at Health Supplies Plus.