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Lift and Tighten with the PDO Thread Lift
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Until recently, tightening an aged face via a facelift meant undergoing surgery. But these days, that’s not necessary given the introduction of PDO thread lifts. This procedure is a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift, and it comes with many advantages. In this article we’ll look at how a PDO thread lift works and how it can make you look younger, reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

What is a Thread Lift?

While more subtle than a standard facelift, a thread lift can still make a huge difference to help rejuvenate your look. In this procedure, temporary sutures are used to lift the jowls and skin. A PDO thread lift also benefits the face in another key way: it promotes the long-term production of collagen, which aids in healing and maintaining the skin over time.

PDO Thread Lift vs. Facelift

The primary advantage of a PDO thread lift is simple and obvious – you don’t have to go under the surgical scalpel. Along with that, recovery time will be much shorter than after a surgical facelift. Thread lifts also have the advantages of providing very natural-looking results. You won’t see the same exact results as a facelift with a PDO thread lift, but not everyone requires such an invasive procedure to look better and younger. A thread lift is ideal for those that don’t necessarily require a full facelift but could still benefit from a cosmetic procedure.

Who is a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for a PDO thread lift are those who are in good overall health and have the type of aging signs that a thread lift was designed to address. People over a certain age may benefit more from a surgical facelift. However, it all depends on each patient’s particular circumstances. The best way to know if a PDO thread lift is a good option to improve your appearance is by discussing it with a qualified professional.

Summing Up

A PDO thread lift can be a great alternative to a traditional surgical facelift. Not only is a PDO thread lift a much simpler procedure, it also benefits your skin’s internal health over time, through the production of collagen. Licensed medical professionals can buy PDO threads online at Health Supplies Plus.

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