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STYLAGE® L w/ Lidocaine


STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine is an injectable implant made of cross-linked sodium hyaluronate, lidocaine to reduce needle pain, and mannitol to give the skin antioxidant protection.

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What is STYLAGE® L W/ Lidocaine?

STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine is an injectable implant made of cross-linked sodium hyaluronate, lidocaine to reduce needle pain, and mannitol to give the skin antioxidant protection. This product is manufactured by Vivacy, a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Archamps, France. The company specializes in developing medical devices (injectable hyaluronic acid-based) for both Aesthetic and Anti-ageing Medicine.

When injected into the deep dermis, STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine can fill deep wrinkles and rejuvenate skin. It revitalizes the face and gives the skin a youthful glow. It reverses the effects of ageing, guaranteed that it is used properly and administered only by licensed medical professionals.

The addition of Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, helps in making the treatment less painful and comfortable for the patients. This anesthetic provides a quick numbing effect at the injection site, allowing no discomfort to the patient’s side. It is a numbing medication that reduces pain or discomfort caused by injection-related procedures.

You can purchase STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine online at Health Supplies Plus. Help your patients achieve a well-defined, unwrinkled, and smooth facial feature. Our website provides the best and high-quality, cost-effective products. Place your order today, and buy it now!

How does STYLAGE® L W/ Lidocaine work?

Administer this dermal filler to hydrate the skin, fill in deep fine lines, and treat severe wrinkles. Restore radiance in your patient’s skin as you take advantage of the benefits that this dermal filler can give. The hyaluronic acid contained in this product promotes healthier and more supple skin. When injected, the acid-base reduces wrinkles, increases skin moisture and makes skin firmer. The addition of mannitol, an antioxidant that provides skincare benefits and protects the skin from free radicals, makes this kind of treatment very effective in keeping the skin young and healthy. It gives the skin a dewy and softer feature. It extends the durability of the hyaluronic acid in the skin for long-lasting results.

The results of a STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine injection should last about a year. It is a safe and simple procedure. It is done by injecting it directly into the skin using a fine-gauge needle. The association of Lidocaine makes the treatment less tedious. It decreases discomfort during the procedure, giving the patients a painless experience.

Who uses this dermal filler?

Commonly, people who are 18 to 65 years old use this cosmetic treatment. It applies to individuals who are experiencing, severe wrinkles, fine lines, skin dryness, and dullness caused by ageing and facial muscle contractions.


• Rejuvenates the skin
• Deep hydration
• Adds volume to the skin
• Youthful appearance
• Reduces the appearance of fine lines
• Moisturizes the skin
• Corrects deep and severe wrinkles
• Healthier skin
• Radiance and elasticity

Side Effects

Compared to other dermal fillers, the STYLAGE® L with Lidocaine procedure has minimal side effects. Educate your patients with the following side effects and when to notify you when these unwanted reactions become severe.

Common side effects

• Bruising
• Mild irritation
• Redness
• Swelling
• Discoloration of the skin
• Itching
• Hardness of the skin

Severe side effects

• Headache
• Hypersensitivity
• Cold sores
• Pain at the injection site



Active Substance(s)

Hyaluronic acid, lidocaine, mannitol


24mg/ml, 3mg/ml

Pack Size

2-1ml prefilled syringes


Package insert, 4-27G 1/2" needles, 4 traceability labels

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